
Mobile Phone, Photography

有套港劇叫 ’歎息橋‘ 我最近有看過,劇中一對父子分開後重遇,面對面平心靜氣地坐在一起,講和多年來說不清的分歧,當中父説:

那叫做放低 (放下),

這番話對我甚有感觸,憶起我這幾年來的起伏,擦身而過地看過別人的高處,然後進入自己的低處後,經時間和心態清洗後得以重置,過去的自己成就了現在的我,不得不說成長了一點兒。 或者現在可能是新的一頁,爭取之下也定必以平常心對待。


最近電腦的照片處理程式壞了,這令我認真檢視一下平常的慣常處理流程。 自從完全放下了菲林和數碼相機後,基本的攝影工具就只有手機,這也其實不是什麼新事物,因為一直我都在重用着,什至有出展過的幾張作品也是來自手機。 這一年來的手機照片也其實是經手機程式內處理的,唯獨是檔案處理還是遲遲未有一個完美定斷。 這是一個契機,讓自己放開再探索一下另類的可能性。



You ever wonder who’d be refusing to travel to a destination the second time where you know you’d be enjoying? It’s most probably because I’m in between old and new job, and it’s me wishes to cut down my expenses (clearly not working out with my shopping habit, even more so with the year-end discount). My sister eagerness had dragged me into the trip. I was not even in the mood for the trip planning. It’s a coincident in which my last minute picked motel was located a very convenient location to go anywhere we wanted. That had really set up great for a trip without a concrete to-go attractions.

Mountain Lane

I’d be lying I had not planned. I had the major attractions in mind but for the particular shops and restaurants, we had no clue until we decided let’s just explore an area on the map. ‘Life is like a box of chocolate, you’d never know what you gonna get.’ Forrest Gump said in the movie. And it’s making perfect sense as I explore during the travel.

Tea House

I had been a tea lover since early last year. And to some extent, I’m particularly into the tea planted in Taiwan. It’s so exhilarating when I hear them introduce their teas for the season like a piece of art. The way they speak and the words they use had taught me a great deal what appreciation is all about. We all look up to that lifestyle.

Jiu Fen


As the flight enters the ‘Formosa’ from high above, the green fields on the island patched up like the last season’s patchwork fashion. They have the luxury to respect their land in the old fashion way still. They can grow and supply in some way; in contrary Hong Kong can only grow steel and concrete to meet a very different kind of demand. You just want to enjoy something that’s made in Taiwan. What’s made in Hong Kong these days? Do we instinctually buy the imports? It’s always interesting to learn about the differences of the Chinese communities and what represents the place under different governance and system.

Water Kettles Boiling in motion

Travel Thru the Night


It all begins with my uncertainty. . .

I'll pay u back?

After hour

The two…

Info exchange

Prison Wall





From the night to the day…

Almost holiday season

Street food


I shoot photo with a tablet

Lunch hour

The Jade Seller

The banker on break

Done for the day

Word of Wisdom

Uncertainty has become more clear to me at night…I become a mindless little creature and go sniff everywhere…

Dancers - Asian Ethnic Performance 2012

The Percussionist - Asian Ethnic Performance 2012

The Hong Kong born Indian host Q Bobo (喬寶寶) waved goodbye - Asian Ethnic Performance 2012

I’m just a normal person not a journalist or reporter…Interesting things never come to me, I never go to them either. But when both bump into each other, it may very well be my photo.

天天向上 - "A Better Tomorrow" Statue

About the little white “A Better Tomorrow” statue above – It’s a movement to see what our younger generation have in mind. The figure is like a piece of blank paper, the designer (anyone) can paint it, dress it to their likings. It’s part of the Hong Kong Design Year program this year. You may find out more about this movement and the founder Danny Yung here: Danny Yung – Tian Tian Xiang Shang. The founder Mr. Yung wishes to use his little white statue to unleash the younger generation’s creativity. He stressed on his movement is for the youngsters, since they’re our future power who will shape our society. He expressed the current education system of Hong Kong is not so flexible, update to date when compare to other Asian countries. It’s causing our generation not able to express ourselves in many ways. 

I had my X2 with me after the brief service repair daily. Even on the days I did not want to shoot photos, I have it ready in my hand. There’s a lot of unknown, uncertainty, unsure thoughts popped out in my head. I think my current approach is taking even a more steps back and to have a more casual (not relaxed) state of mind. I do not want too much thinking to bother me, as it really drain on my soul.